Calendar - Tournaments & Events
Halloween Tournament
Prize for best costume!
$100 per player
9am shotgun start
Buffett dinner
Games & Prizes
Cancer Support Fund of Central MA
Jackie Taylor Memorial Tournament
$450 per foursome
8am registration
9am shot gun start
2:30pm dinner
Basket Raffles, Prizes, Mini competitions

Honor and Remember Tournament
Honor and Remember
Join us for the first annual Honor and Remember Golf Tournament to publicly honor and remember every American fallen service member and recognize the enduring sacrifice of every family.

Member-Guest Tournament
The Woods Member-Guest Tournament - CHANCE TO WIN A FREE MEMBERSHIP

GAAMHA's Second Annual Golf Tournament
$150 Per Person | $600 Per Foursome
Entry fee includes 18 holes, cart, lunch and dinner
Shotgun Start
Tournament Sponsored by: Morse Bros.

NCMYH Sting Fundraiser
All proceeds benefit NCMYH, a non-profit organization, dedicated to providing affordable hockey in the Greater Gardner Area
Scramble Format
$500 per foursome - includes 18 holes, cart, dinner and prizes
Games and prizes along the course
7AM check-in - coffee and donuts provided
9AM shotgun start
2:30PM meal on site

Monty Tech Scholarship Foundation Golf Tournament
Please join us for the long-awaited return of the Monty Tech Golf Outing! All proceeds to benefit the Student Scholarship Fund.
Best Ball Scramble
$125 per golfer
$500 per foursome
Sponser a hole for $200!
Includes signage on the course and recognition during the awards ceremony

Sigma Pi - Cancer Support Fund of Central Mass
Join us for a fun, interactive golf tournament to help raise money for Sigma Pi Eta Tau Chapter as well as Cancer Support Funds of Central Mass. Help us raise awareness and support patients in treatment at their local cancer centers.
$130 per player
What’s included:
18 Hole Tournament
Full Buffet meal
Basket Raffle
Gift Bags
Par 3 Contests

18 for 22 Golf Tournament
Teams of 4
$100 Per Person
Best dressed: Best/funniest outfit while playing in the tournament
Dress the Founder: Highest bidder chooses outfit the Founder wears for the event
Marshmallow Driving Contest: Who can tee off a marshmallow the farthest
Post golf meal, raffle and prizes at Gardner Fish & Gun Club
Teams must be press at after meal to receive winner’s prizes